Obscure brands worth considering

American and not. There is a lot of equipment not visible or even not represented in the US at all.
What about speakers?

i don’t claim to know most of Wilson’s secrets but his bridged class A topology, extremely robust power supplies, unique driver boards, and matched top notch bipolar transistors give his solid state amplifiers much of the body and essence of tubes with solid state agility and dynamics. Natural is the best way to describe Clayton sound. My VAC Renaissance 5 Preamplifier is also an excellent match for the Clayton. You do have to listen closely to Wilson as he brings a deep Mandarin Chinese accent to his English. He is a talented designer who exudes integrity.....a Taiwanese version of Kevin Hayes from VAC, two of the most talented, reputable, friendly and great men in this industry.
So what is his secret?
I cannot claim to know, but I can say his amps seem to be built very well, to maybe overbuilt, with huge power supplies, and they run in all class  A. The parts are of a high quality and more about service life than being boutique parts to help sell the amplifiers.  The features are also well thought-out including, the top mounted heat sinks to help dissipate heat, WBT binding posts, cleverly located and high quality power and bias switches, and light on the back panel that helps owners remember the amplifier is powered up when they are making cable changes.

I see. Thank you. I saw a pair of his monos here recently for $3.5k, I think. They sold quickly. I am in no financial position or I would've got them and then thought what to pair them with. I would've thought of VAC too, among a few others.
I assumed they speak Cantonese Chinese in Taiwan, I am apparently so uneducated. But maybe they speak both, no idea.
To Erik.    I've never seen a recording artist with a nice hifi stereo.   Have you
I have no idea what they owned, all I can tell you is they were audiophiles, musicians and there with Blue Coast Records. And if that doesn't sound like a myth yet, they were both female.
