Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
my system has great detail and sound staging, and my interconnects came from amazon and walmart.
I use the Ocellia reference interconnects/speaker cable (bi-wired)/power cords in an all Ocellia system
- Ocellia 30 Twin Signature speaker (12 INCH phy-hp drivers using alnico magnets and 2 piezo tweeters on each speaker)

- The new version of the Ocellia signature preamp and Ocellia 300B monoblock push pull amp (15 watts, 16 ohm)

They truly are natural and do not sound bright like most silver cables. Remember, they are unshielded, so care must be taken when using them. They are priced lower than most of the mainstream cables. Dare I say, in league with shindo interconnects but without the high price.

The reason why nobody has heard them is that there is only one dealer in the whole U.S. I was fortunate enough that teh designer of Ocellia is in Montreal, where I live. The cables are now being made in Montreal for teh rest of the world.

I find that these cables will become a best kept secret. Why? Unless you have heard them in your system, nobody will buy them because they are not popular. Nobody knows about them unless you have heard an Ocellia speakers.

I have to agree with Ren: These are definitely the most natural cables I have ever owned--and I've tried a lot of them. I have the Calliope .16s and Ocellia Signature cables, and they just seem to let the music breath in a way I've never heard before--perhaps tough to describe it, but you'll know it once you hear it. I've used the Ocellia cables for a couple of months now and I keep coming back to the same conclusions: Music just seems much more effortless and less constricted than ever before, and there's a supremely natural tonality that lets more of the texture of the instruments shine through. I bet if you have a similar sort of low power tube/single driver type system, you'll love these cables too. Very enthusiastically recommended.