Ok to use a Shunyata Hydra A-4 with a VAC 70/70?

I have a VAC Renaissance 70/70 amp and VAC Renaissance MK II preamp. I have been advised to get a power conditioner since the lights in my house dim every time the A/C and furnace go on, and I am considering getting a Shuntata Hydra A-4. Any problem plugging the VACs into the Hydra?
Frankly I never thought once about contacting VAC for any advice. So.... I have both Vac power cords plugged in,as well as a Manley Steelhead phono amp, Ear Acute cd player,Epifania Pre amp and a Rega p 25 TT.Speakers are JM Lab Focal Utopia.This equipment has just been set up after being down and boxed for a few months and is now starting to return to the sound I know AND all these are plugged into the PS 10.Simply not experiencing any loss on highs or any negative effects. Only negative effect is a smaller room and the current Monsoon season with thunderstorms and heat.I Just do not want to stress the 300B tubes.We will be into nice fall weather in New Mexico soon and heat will not be an issue, come winter the Vac will be even happier. Everybody sounds very happy cohabitating with the PS10.
Make that a Rega P9...So that is a total of five power cords going in,and great sound coming out.
I have a VAC 70/70... and like you, my lights dim when my A/C turns on. I use dedicated 20 amp outlets. I gave up on power conditioners years ago.