Old or new gear


I am trying to buy my first tube amplifier. Budget is about $2500-3500. I am not very good at doing electrical work myself and do not intend to restore/repair/update the equipment myself. No time for another hobby. 

Looking to get something very reliable to use for years to come. I tend to keep my equipment for a long time, and do not upgrade things frequently. Trouble free listening is the goal. US made (or Japan or western Europe) would be really nice. Looked at Chinese models, but decided not to go that route, although there are many very good quality brands with great reviews. The top of the line Chinese units are not much cheaper than US made ones, through.

For that money, I am looking for something like quicksilver mid monos or decware MK4, brand new, both made in US, with good reviews as far as build quality and reliability goes.
Alternatively, there are amps here on Agon, such as CJ, Cary, VPI 299d, VTL de luxe 300,  VAC rebaissance 30/30 MK3, all used, about 10-15 years old, some in mint conditions with low hours, under or around 3K.

I am looking more for good sound and reliability than a specific amp type (pp vs SE) or output tube design.

Any advice? Again, not looking to resell but this is always a consideration as well (never know what the future holds). Main concern is quality and long term reliability.
Are there better transformers, caps, resistors etc... now than 10-15 years ago? Again, not looking to upgrade anything myself and do not have the time to spend in repair shops.

Thanks for your advice.

Take you time and find a Lafayette KT-550 tube amp.  They come up on eBay every so often.  It does everything so very right.  It does use older 7025A power tubes but with a wiring change (changing a few wires on the tube sockets) you can covert it to newer power tubes.  It will drive anything and is one of the best sounding amplifiers I have ever heard and I have repaired or modified many over the past 20 years.  It has transformers that you just cannot buy today.  Simple design that will last more than you lifetime.  Happy Listening.
"QS made in China? Where did you get that information from?"
Thats why I posed it as a question. I was under the impression that a good deal of their construction was conducted in Asia and the amps were finished in the USA. I have no issue with made in China (or Poland or Serbia or anywhere else) and 100% of Quicksilver may be made in USA. Nice sounding gear regardless of where its made. The el84 integrated seems to be a compelling amp but would a buyer get best value from a new QS integrated or a pre owned Cary SLI-80? Horses for courses.....

Would like to thank everyone for their advice/thoughts.

I think I am strongly leaning QS mid mono. Main reason: New, great prices, good feedback. I know I could get better for the same $$ with old used gear, but time is the key. Really do not want to have to upgrade/repair. I guess do not want to take a chance now. Maybe later if/when I have more time... But now, trouble free is the key. 10-15 y/o tech as great as it is... always a chance. Same true for new stuff, but feel this is less of a gamble.

Also prefer PTP wired stuff, as it will be easier to repair/upgrade if need be. I know this is not ideal, but a trade-off I am willing to accept. In addition, I have not received any negative feedback on QS gear.

They do seem to be 100% hand made in California. Meets my needs/wants.

Do not like their integrated for "stupid" cosmetic reason: exposed wires on the pictures. Also, prefer separates for easier upgrades/repairs/swapping.

Next question: preamp. Easiest to buy QS, 1k. But what about other options? Other cheaper pres that would work? For pre, I would consider something made elsewhere as long as quality is good.

Will Schiit saga work? Slightly higher output impedance (180 vs 100oms) and no gain at all. But $350 new. Also good reviews. Good company history of buiding quality stuff.

What about SS? Emotiva t100, with built-in DAC, $300 new? Is SS bad for  tube amps?

Are there any DAC that would work well with QS amp directly?

Are there more or less "universal" neutral pres that would work with many different tube amps?

I am OK paying 1k for QS pre, but is that the best value for the money?

Thanks again