older dacs

I have decided to go with a dac rather than buy a new cd player. I feel the transport on my sony dvp s-7700 is still good.

I do have a question however. Has the technology changed that much in dacs where it warrants buying new. Am I better off to buy something that is a few years old for $500 or buy something new for $500. The one that is $500 used probably cost over $1000 new at one time. Not that price always relates to performance.

Also what are your thoughts on tubed dacs. The rest of my gear is SS and I like to leave it on. Will leaving a tubed dac on just put unnecessary wear on tubes.

Let me know
Leaving a tubed dac on is ok. Can't go wrong with an Audio Mirror (new), Bel canto (used), or a scott nixon(used). Of the three mentioned I prefer the audio mirror. All three are more analog in presentation versus the sony. All of the dacs will also offer better bass response. I have tried several digital cables and can recommend the audiovox or straightwire. Am unsure on the model names of the cables but both are less than $100. Phil Brady.
It all depends on the design. A well executed design will probbaly outperform a new unit that sells new for what the older DAC now sells for. Tube versus SS is an age old question. Tubes don't do what SS does. In general, I have found that tubes (depending on the tubes) offer a different sonic presentation such as sweeter mid range, more rounded bass, but SS can offer better details, dynamics, faster and tighter bass, etc. So it comes down to system matching and what YOU prefer.

I use an older Audio Logic tube DAC that I like especially for the used price that I paid for it. Have I heard better DACs, yes, have I heard SS DACs that I also could live with, yes. But for the money, I preferred the AL as the others were more expensive at the time. I have not heard a newer DAC at the price point that I paid for my used AL DAC that does what I like in my system.

I did try about 12 DACs to select this one in my system.

That being said, the digital cable you select will also be more important then the transport IMO. But I also use a CEC which is a pretty good transport to begin with. I did try about 6 transports and too many digital cables to mention both XLR and RCA. All in all, it comes down to personal preference.

Happy Listening.

Last, I would like to hear a Sony modified CDP with tube output and volume control in my system to comapre to the separates. One less power cord, and one less digital cable. I just don't want to pay the full retail for a unit, but that is just me. You may want to consider that as an option.

Happy Listening.
I've got an old Counterpoint DAC I traded a pair of speakers for...it came with the original receipt ($3,800) when new. The speakers I traded usually go for around $500-$600 used.

To be honest, the DAC sounds exactly like a $3,000-$4,000 DAC should sound...very, very, good. I'm using only a cheap Pioneer 563A as a transport at this point so I would expect even more could be had in sound quality with a better transport.

Using a JVC XL-Z1010 as transport into a California Labs Alpha DAC (two 12AX7s). I would NEVER trade my Alpha. It's a great and sweet sound. System is "old" but sounds super to me.
My experience has showed that cheaper but newer digital is better than older expensive digital, in general. I don't put much money into the source - I replace it with newer models more often instead.