Onix SP3: What speakers are you using?

Hello again.
My love affair/obsession with this little amp continues.
My tube compliment and the HiFi Tuning fuses are burning in nicely. I am really, really enjoying this amp, this hobby and the three pairs of speakers I own. That's the problem: I have three sets of speakers I absolutely love.
I'd like to hear from other SP3 owners what speakers they are using, why they like them, and why they pair well with this amp.
I look forward to hearing from you all. I always learn a lot from your responses.
One of my favorite combination is with my JBL 4312C monitors. Their neutrality lets the SP7 (in my case) work wonders. Especially in the bass. They are not noted for bass response, but do surprisingly well with the SP7. Same for the mids and upper frequencies. I had the SP7 connected to my MMG's and that was another excellent combination. With the MMG's, the midrange is spectacular. Very musical, but not smearing. Coherent. Also, in this case, the lower frequencies (which are difficult to achieve in small planars, unless placement is meticulously experimented )hits tight. Sometime I have to keep the volume lower than expected, even considering that the 45 watt output of the sp7 would "normally" be assumed to have a hard time driving planars. Not in this case. It can creat over-excursion and a nice THWACK! if I'm not carefull with volumes on certain recordings.
I have heard the SP3 with Clements, Sololiquy 5.3, Aurum Cantus Lesiure 3's and belive it or not a pair of $5,000 Living Voices are doing full duty with the SP3. Not bad at all. Im not a huge fan of Living Voice speakers but it was a very good combination. Very musical and presents a really nice soundstage. Not the best sound I have heard but surely one I could easily live with.
Had mine hooked up to a pair of vintage large Advents, as neutral a speaker as you can find; very good combination. Now I have it hooked up to a pair of Onix ELT525 monitors and an Energy subwoofer. This little wonder did well with both sets of speakers.
As there is a pair of large Advents on the 'Gon right now, can you describe the sound, soundstage, imaging, etc. for me?
What size room? Stands? Anything else relevant...
BTW: I am using a pair or Onix Reference 1 Mk 2, a pair of Rega R3's and a pair of Rega R5's.
If you haven't heard these speakers you really, really should.
I know that everybody on Earth by now has heard the Onix references, but I find so little on the 'net about the Regas. They are quite simply superb speakers.