Opera Audio Consonance ref 2.2 owners?

I just purchased an new Consonance 2.2. I am in the break in stage at this point. I like to get some feedback from some current owners if I could. What you really think of this player? Mine sounded horrible when first turned on.
Seems to be warming up nicely though.
I bought by the reviews I have been reading out here. All seem so positive. So far, the only complaint I have is they claim it has a solid cherry top. Mine has that light colored European hardwood that so many kitchen tables seem to be made of these days. Do any of you others owners have the same?

Thanks for any replies in advance.
I found out today that the silver remote is the new one. It replaces the black one. I also found out the wood on the top is correct. Just a real light cherry type wood used.
Still like to hear from any owners on how their "burn in" went.

Johnnymac, You've had a couple of more weeks now, what do you think? I'm interested in the 2.2, so how about your impressions now. Also, I was wondering, I know that the 2.2 has XLR outputs, but is it fully balanced?
Thanks, Sonny
Hi Johnymac,

In our experience, this cd player breaks in longer than most cdplayers, at around 300 hours.

During break-in period, its sound will be eratic. Sometimes it will sound overly smooth with no bass and sometimes the other way around. After 300 hours, you will realize that this cdplayer is excellent for the money. Cheers.
Ow! I just started brekaing in my Ref 2.2 today, it sounded really bassy and I was fretting. I ditched a Cary 308 because it sounded pretty ick and supposedly needs 400 hours of break-in, and what do I get? Something that needs 300 hours of break in :( ah well, maybe I shouldn't have ditched the Cary in the first place, I'll never know if I got rid of a gem now, maybe I just swapped one jewel for another...I hope.
Did you happen to try the Audio Aero Prima 24/192 player by any chance?
I assume you got your Consonance from Greg Osborn, and am aware that he sells the Audio Aero range also.
Mark (SA)