Opinions on Meitner MTR-101 Amps???

Anybody out there still using these former Stereophile recommended Ed Meitner designed mono-blocks?? Anyone have them revised? Is it worth it? Appreciate any comments. Thanks.
Rcprince: Thank you for your kind offer. Alas, I am in Indiana. Just have to take a chance, although it doesn't appear to be a great risk judging from the above endorsements. I love the Rogue but you never know until you compare. Thanks again. What is line is JP80MC?
Rcprince: Regarding the advisability of upgrading the PAa6 or PA6i. For me, it's very hard to say. I probably wouldn't have sent mine in to John Wright at Museatex/ADS in Calgary at all, except that it produced an annoying hum (or buzz, depending on your choice of words), which no local tech could get rid of. As it turned out, the only problem was a burnt-out ground resistor in the outboard power supply. However, at the time I sent the PA6 in, it seems that John Wright was very busy, and I didn't get the unit back for something like 8-10 weeks. It sounded --- and sounds --- great, of course, but my sonic memory can't really tell me how much, if any different from before the upgrades. Others have spoken highly of the results, but Ijust can't tell.
Rackon: The JP80 is the Jadis all tube unit; I got mine about 7-8 years ago when they were a little less expensive. I'm prejudiced, but I think it's still one of the best you can get, particularly for classical music. That said, while I miss the Jadis, the PA-6 is a more than capable replacement; it has a superb phono stage, soundstages very well and has excellent bass and dynamics, just lacks the last degree of dimensionality and refinement I feel you get from tubes in general and the Jadis in particular. Tatelman, thanks for your input; I'll probably send it in for an update when the Jadis returns.
OK guys, I bought the Meitner amps. :-) Thanks for the input. Guess I'm now hunting for another run of IC?? (I've never used mono-blocks before, always a single amp.) Thanks again for chiming in - I'll keep you posted.
Getting in late on this but if the Meitner's you purchased are in wood cabinets and have round, cylindrical heat sinks on the back, you just bought amazing amps. More amazing still at their price. These are some of the best "little" amps I've ever heard (and "little is not a put-down, just a reference to size for their power). They do not sound like solid state and also sound much more powerful than their power rating (100w I think). Heard these just recently driving the big Hales (Trans 8's?) beautifully. Enjoy, man.