Opinions: What Power Cord for Aesthetix Gear?

Well it has been less than a year since I acquired the Aesthetix Calypso linestage and Rhea phono amp and I truthfully am one happy camper. That said, I recently found that isolation (decoupling) with a set of old Aurios Classics under the chassis resolved a huge difference to the positive in clearing up what to me was already a beautifully clear sound. Presently I am using a pair of PS Audio power cords on the Aesthetix gear and feel I could be doing better. Please offer me some help in a good recommendation to focus my efforts in the right direction for auditioning new power cords. If you have a recommendation based on "experience" with your Aesthetix equipment, all the better. One caveat though, I'm not looking to run out and pay a thousand dollars a piece for some cool power cords when I have a list a mile and a half long of vinyl I have yet to own. An audiophile has to have his (or her) priorities and I’m a record collector first and foremost. Thanks again.
The old TIffany TPC 60 was a good cord in its day. My guess is you could buy one now for $50.00. I've tried it on my Aesthetix and definitely better than the stock cord.
As for the Kubala Sosna cables, the entry RevolutionZ series of power cords is the Fascination. I have spoken to a couple people who have this cord and have found the sonics to be similar to the Emotion. The Emotion simply provides more of the KS cables sonic qualities. The Fascination retail pricing is $350 for the first meter and $100 for each additional meter. This is one great price for what you will receive. KS also has a trade up program you might look into.

As for how the KS work with the Aesthetix, I own the Calypso too, and am loving my KS Emotion cables.


BTW I am one of the friends Jafox referred to.
...It has been a long time and much has changed but, I have not traded in the Aesthetix Calypso or Rhea and the power cords that now reside are the Silent Source Signatures. Not as inexpensive as I had once hoped but, as lightly used cables, and after auditioning so many worthy opponents these are well burnt in and poses all the musical characteristics I desire. Some may have a case for the fact that the "power cable" is the (or a) source component and a very important one at that.

Happy Listening!
My friend has this he is using STEALTH top of the line cords sounds wonderful!!