Oppo 105 and Hegel H160 DACs


I have my Oppo 105 feeding a Hegel 160 integrated - which I just got and am so far extremely happy with. However, does this combo render the Oppo's Sabre DAC meaningless? Am I hearing just the Hegel's DAC? And is there any way to by-pass the Hegel DAC by, say, running a digital cable from the Hegel to the Oppo to start a loop?

Should I look for a decent transport and move the Oppo to another system? I'm not really interested in getting a streamer or going that route at the moment.

Thank you in advance.
you might even find you like one DAC for certain music and the other for different music, and so easy to change back and forth...
Nobody said that the Oppo is not good gear it's a fine blu ray and if you have descent system without dac and CDP it can be a good  cd player too but if you have more serious system and good DAC you need more serious dedicated  CD transport becuse pure transport doesn't have analog circuits neither inner dac and that allows the player to transmit pure digital information from the CD with minimum jitter and noise to external dac.