Oppo 105 and Hegel H160 DACs


I have my Oppo 105 feeding a Hegel 160 integrated - which I just got and am so far extremely happy with. However, does this combo render the Oppo's Sabre DAC meaningless? Am I hearing just the Hegel's DAC? And is there any way to by-pass the Hegel DAC by, say, running a digital cable from the Hegel to the Oppo to start a loop?

Should I look for a decent transport and move the Oppo to another system? I'm not really interested in getting a streamer or going that route at the moment.

Thank you in advance.
CD transport itself doesn’t have sound signature however there are very important things that determining how good the CD transport is : level of jitter, the quality of the laser lens, inner cabling , inner clock,the mechanical drive and so on ,so evantually the CD transport can degrade or improve the sound it depends on the quality of the transport .
So the answer is yes one kind of bitperfect coming from one gear is not necessary the same bitperfect of another gear.
Since using a green or purple pen on the CD outer edge (and black on the inner edge) improves the sound, generally speaking, and damping the CD tray as well the transport drive mechanism itself improves the sound, I conclude that there are lots of things wrong with CD transports, generally speaking. And I don’t even have to mention vibration isolation. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. "But what about the Reed Solomon error correction code?" 😳
willemj, what nonesense? I had the Oppo. Hel-loo! All of the things I said about the Oppo transport and most other players and transports are true. You should get out more often. I hate to judge to harshly but apparently one are the one who bought into the whole perfect sound forever nonsense.