Oppo 205 and external DAC?

My goal is to utilize the balanced output of the Oppo but the amplifier(PL Dialogue HP) has unbalanced inputs. 

Excluding the modification route.

What external DAC would offer an improvement in SQ over the inboard Oppo DAC? Also with balanced connections, then of course switching to unbalanced from the dac to the PL.


There are 2 ways to go here:

1) get a Final Drive transformer buffer to change from bal to SE:


2) add an external DAC with SE outputs.

This will sound better, PROVIDING that you reclock the Oppo digital output and use a really good coax cable. Here is a jitter plot to show how much jitter before and after the Synchro-Mesh reclocker:


Here is the jitter added by different coax cables:


The only thing that matters when using a CD player as a transport is the jitter.  The Sychro-Mesh and a good BNC cable will cost ~$1025

Most decent DACs will beat the D/A in the Oppo, but you will need to spend $2-3K for new or $1-2K used. The best DAC will still sound mediocre without a low jitter source.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Oppo UDP-205 DACs are indeed very good.  You can use the unbalanced stereo analog output from Oppo 205 to your amp.

What's wrong with the Oppo's unbalanced outs?  If you use an external DAC, you will not use the analog output of the Oppo, balanced or unbalanced. You will use the digital out, likely spdif. You will use the analog output of the DAC. If you have only an unbalanced input in your pre, you will use the unbalanced analog out of the DAC. 

As for the DAC, you’re simply asking what’s the best DAC out there without any price point. There are many that can outperform the DAC in the Oppo. I think my DAC is the best value, but everyone thinks the same about their DAC which is probably why they bought it.
Thanks for the response. Ithought I came across a thread describing measured and anecdotal improvement with the balanced output, regardless of cable length ....I can’t seem to find the link for reference ...anyways  it wouldn’t appear to be cost effective 
I use my Oppo 95 balanced XLR connected to Sennheiser HDVA600 balanced. It is a super combination, super dynamic and balanced tone. Except the Oppo fan, the overall noise is very low.