OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1

Anyone has used Benchmark DAC 1 with OPPO Bluray 83? Kindly share your opinions if they are good match on audio. thanks!
Mjcmt, To add more information. I copied the music to the CDR's using a Tascam professional recorder.
And once the CDR's were created they were played back through my 2 channel system.
Below is that system.

Consisting of Cary 306 Pro CD player, Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp and Pass Labs X350.5 Amp.
Speakers used Eggleston Works Andra 2.
All the cables were Synergistic top of the line.
Dedicated AC outlet using a Synergistic Powerecell 10SE.

The Oppo 83 plays SACD, DVD-A ,DVD and Blu Ray discs beautifully. In video and audio.
I agree however, that the redbook CD on the OPPO is not as good as say my Cary CD player playback and could be improved with the utilzation of an external Dac.

But, the stereo outputs and the L/R outputs on the Oppo 83 are the same so there is no need for all that additional
fooling around to go around it.
My Sony XA-7E.S., and Benchmark Dac-1 combo, delivers "The Complete
Music Experience!"
Using the Audio Alchemy Data Stream BNC /XLR connections are Superior delivering 100% of the Recorded
Straight Wire Maestro II coaxial cables, to the pre-amp.
S.I.D. Disc under the puck.
Plus the largest AA power supply,PS Audio SC Power cord.
The Dac-1 IMHO, DOES sound better, with a Superior Transport. I have 4 Transports, none sound like the XA-7E.S.
I will hasten to say that NO Oppo player, will come close
to the XA-7E.S. Sony Period.

I had a Benchmark DAC1 (w/PCX XLR Mod) and Oppo DV-981HD and they worked well together. All my software has been ripped to an external USB drive for years now and my primary listening is via SB due to convenience, sound quality, hi-res ... 24/96 (now with MW Transporter) ...

If anyone owns a DAC1, get the PCX XLR or RCA MOD. It's a great ROI and the improvement is overwhelming from stock.

Currently using a latest MW Transporter. Just bought a Oppo 83 mainly for BluRay and some SACDs. It's currently at MW for the MOD. My HOPE is after the MOD, it will be a good enough standalone universal player so no need to output the signal to the MW Transporter for audiophile level sound quality.
Couple of comments here.

1) "Perhaps the Oppo 83 has improved upon the stereo outputs over your previous Oppo players."

This is true. The -83 has completely separate DACS for the MCH vs stereo outputs. I own both the -83 and the 970. From an analog perspective there is no comparison. The 970 is dull an boring, the -83 is a joy to listen to for hours on end.

2) SACD sound great but Redbook sounds just OK.

This is absolutely not the case in my system. All audio formats sounds great. I compared the -83 to my MF Nu-Vista 3DCD and it compares very favorably. Can't say I prefer one over the other.

IMO the weak link in the -83 is not the DACs, it's the OP amps. This can be circumvented by either using digital outs, or upgrading the OP amps. I'm taking the later route as I'm other wise happy with my analog system.