Oppo UDP - 205


You're welcome.

It's easy for me to answer your question by choosing option 2. I already have the UDP-205 for a few months now, and tomorrow I expect to receive my pair of Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers.


I bought the Samsung 85" 4K a couple of years ago. (Cost $10,000 then but they are about $1000 less now).
Recently I purchased the Samsung evolution kit bringing it up to current status including deep blacks and color. Wow, its like a new set! So, I would assume that the newer models already have these features installed.
I will say it takes a little effort to get the settings right. New from the box or in the stores everything is peaked for a bright picture. But once you get it locked in its impressive.
I also found that Monoprice certified 4K HDMI cables to be better than the other $$$ cables from Wireworld.


I would also go for option #2. Spend more money on your speakers.

Thank You @gdhal, @ozzy ,@dbphd . Your feedback is much appreciated. You have added value to my decision making.
I wonder how the modwright modded Oppo 205 would sound or perform against the Ayre players. Just curious. Cause I've heard from a lot of people that a heavily modded modwright Oppo 105 is substantially better than a stock Oppo 105.