Oppo UDP - 205

@dragon_vibe ,
Can you please explain the differences you are hearing between the Merlot and the Oppo 205? For the price difference, I would not be surprised, especially when the Merlot is a FGPA based that the designer can custom-code to their liking.
I am assuming that you got the Oppo to be used as a transport?

For my 2 channel listening I am using a PS Direct Stream Dac with the latest firmware.

I have not directly compared the PS Direct Stream with the Oppo 205 yet due to system configuration. (My 2 channel is a ways away from my home theater equipment.) but I will soon.

I guess my problem with the review you mentioned is this:
Is the audio being processed through the Oppo Sonica Dac or is the digital output used and sent to another unit for digital/analog conversion?
The reviewer never states and that could make a world of difference. In my opinion it is a very poor review and I would not put too much importance to it.

Thus far my Oppo 205 with the 7.1 analog outputs far exceeds my Oppo 95 which received many great audio reviews.
And, I would believe it to be a very good 2 channel stand alone player. Perhaps not to the level of the PS Direct Stream or the Ayre
But what a price difference!


Hi ozzy,

Well, you are very well set then! I shoulda known ;) The PS Audio DirectStream is a very fine DAC.

Re: the review, I can't see that the reviewer would be sending out a digital signal from the DAC for his review (what would be the point?), if the Sonica even has a digital out.

Nonetheless, I agree that the lack of specifics leaves a shadow on the perceived credibility of the review. I had just read it a few days prior to your post and it popped into my mind upon reading your post.

Best to you ozzy,
I have the Oppo 203 and 205. 

203 is used for bedroom

205 is used for Cinema room.

Merlot DAC is used as my current reference, which will be replaced by a New upcoming DAC priced at 24K from Playback design. Prioror to that I had the MSB DACS, Platinum and Analog. Both of them were sold in favior for Playback design.

The 205 is used for my main Cinema room but I have connected it to my 2 Channel system for a few days. Sat one evening compared it to my Merlot which im selling btw to upgrade to the New Dream Series Playback will be rolling out in a few months.

The Merlot is smoother sounding, Bass is way more defined. the Sound stage is larger with the Playback design. The emotions of the music takes you over.

The oppo is just as transparent as the Playback design but it sounds flatter, less evolving. The bass is not as defined but feels a little boomy at times.

If my Merlot sell I will use my Oppo 205 but not looking forward to this. I don't seem to like the sound for 2 channel music. For Cinema room stuff the oppo is an excellent gear.
less evolving, or less involving?
if the former, what do you mean?

Bottom line - the OPPO 205 universal disc player/DAC is not quite as good as a $6k purpose built DAC, right?