Original Packaging, you gotta have it.

The Fedex truck just left my house, I had a cashiers check ready for payment of a Jadis Defy7. I had looked forward to giving it a listen this weekend. The seller brought it to a MBE, who boxed it in a rather large thin walled box. It was filled only with styrofoam peanuts and what looked like strips of styrofoam. The amp was shipped Fedex Standard Overnight from NJ to CA, at a cost of $250. The corner of the amp was peeking out of the box, with only tape which it looks like Fedex tape there to keep the amp in. The box also had a hole big enough to place my hand in to feel the tubes. I obviously refused the COD shippment and hope it makes it back to the seller in one piece and hasnt been broken beyond repair.

I word to the wise, if you dont have the original boxes, then use Double Walled cardboard on the outside, another box inside that and make sure the unit does not shift inside the box. It sadly looks like this amp was not packed well.
A senior person at UPS told me a box loses 50% of its effectivness every time it is shipped. That is why is easy for them to claim improper packaging if the boxes aren't brand new.
I think that U.P.S. not paying for claims is a scam. They just assume, and they are right, that most people will just drop it saving them millions in claims.

There is such a thing as an implied warrenty. It says that if you hire someone to deliver a package it is IMPLIED that they will get it there without damaging it. I think that if all the rejected claims went to court they would loose ninety percent of them even with out insurance.

I think them not covering a claim with insurance is just a flat out rip off.

The U.P.S. office by me now cuts your box open and inspects the packaging. With all thats going on in the world right now Im not convinced they are checking your packing but I think they should do this everywhere. It cuts down on their lame excuses for not covering claims.

At least some signs or some type of effort on their part to educate customers in this area would at least help me beleive that their insurance isnt a scam.

How much money a year do you think they make off the insurance amone?
An amp like the Defy 7 should have been triple boxed with the tubes removed packed saperately. I am involved in the shipping industry and boxes should be packed TIGHT with foam AND bubble wrap around the component then boxed again with styrofoam lined between boxes.

I do not blame you for refusing the shipment due to the careless packing from the seller. Amp weighs 50-60 lbs and hey, a single thin walled box ain't going to make in to the conveyor belt!

I doubt FEDEX is going to pay for the claim as this was carelessly packed.

Lastly, do let us know the status of the claim.

UPS sucks. Worst Customer Service on earth, As for packing materials and boxes, I work for a Fortune 500 company in the consumer goods industry and we spend LOT of time and money designing boxes to minimize product damage during shipping. There are HUGE differences between boxes that look idnetical to the untrained eye. The boxes you get in specialty "repackaging" stores are crap. Low compression strenght stuff that will crumble when humidity gets high. OEM boxes are much better if you assume they have done their homework and picked the right board. As for the UPS claim that boxes lose a lot of their strenght afte they are first used...it depends. The biggest enemy is humidity. Boxes that soak up a lot of water in transit and/or storage WILL weakend, even after they dry out. But an OEM box with properly designed styrofoam cutout inside to protect the gear should be OK to reuse several times. Moat of the gear I own has impressive OEM packaging, thougn the nod goes to the wooden (real wood, NOT laminate or chipboard) crate w/ styrofoam pads used by Sonus Faber for my Guarneri's.
UPS is one of the worst run companies around. I had brand new speakers shipped to me with ALL of the box corners crushed, tattered and worn, holes poked in the boxes. UPS tells me, "Boxes are intended for one-time shipment and we do not pay for box damage." And believe me, they won't -- I tried to go up the chain of command and got nowhere. UPS has such stupid workers, that I am still trying, for 6 months, to get them to refund an overcharge due to the stupidity and incompetence of their counter people, who argued with me when I told them they were charging me more than the web site indicated. UPS can't even process a simple overcharge refund.

When I see ads with, "Don't have original box, but will have packaged professionally," I stay a million miles away. I don't understand how an audiophile in this hobby could be so naive and ignorant to trust a MBE to handle their item!

In response to "Driver", give me a break -- underpaid and overworked? These workers don't deserve the jobs they have -- like so many people today, they want big wages to perform a substandard job. It is part of their job not to "kick, drop, crush" packages as "Driver" admits they do, and seems to defend. If you don't like your job, get another one.