Ortofon SPU, cased or nude?

I fancy trying out an SPU, I have the right arm for it, an Ortofon 309D. I have searched the threads, but can't find a discussion of the difference between the conventional SPU in a case and the few N versions. There is quite a big saving, going for the latter. I would probably go for the Royal. Can anyone comment? thanks
There are other almost pure analog forums where you might find the experience you are looking for. I am a little surprised no one here has said anything. I know nothing about the cartridge you want to try except that the Ortofon SPUs had their own shells. Are you going to try the "naked" oned or the mounted one?
I was looking to try the naked ones, if there is no performance deficit, as they are quite a lot cheaper.
The SPU G shell carts get much of the effective mass they need from the integrated headshell. They weigh around 30g dependant on model. The naked N-series carts still need that mass so you'll need a very heavy headshell/tonearm combination to get the best out of it.