Other Hobbies?

What else do you do in your spare time?
I build Furniture,Trailers, (woodwork and weld) Fly Electric R/C, and Photography.
Sex - and sometimes even with my wife!
Pitiful noises from two electric and one acoustic guitar and a MicroKorg synthesizer - for $400 more fun than you can have any other way standing up.
Kayaking, both whitewater and ocean.
The love of my life - alpine sking.
And like Pbb, making inane and self indulgent comments to innocent threads on AGop.
For me is lifting weights.I am not sure if it is a hobby,a sport or what not but I do enjoy it a lot and I believe that it is a good stress reliever as well as making one look good.I do admit though that recently I've been off of it due to major home renovations.I do however still lift at least once a week so that I don't loose a lot of my gains.

PS.Marco ,you are free to pick on me,as once B4.!!!!!LOL