Outboard Processor Question?

I am looking at possibly adding an outboard processor such as the Cal Audio Gamma or Sigma to my Sony CDP-C701ES changer. The sony has an optical cable connection only for outboard. My questions are is this changer worth the cost of an outboard processor such as these and would I notice a substantial change with either of these processors mentioned. I like the changer for the 5 disk capability and the Cal Audio's would fit perfectly in the limited space I have. Thanks for any input.

I have tried a number of different transports and dacs and currently run two systems with digital separates.
Firstly, I have found that a jitter reduction device such as the Audio Alchemy DTI Pro will improve the sound of most transports. I also disagree with the comment above about transports not making much of a difference in sound quality.
For a toslink cable, I would recommend the Monster Lightspeed 100. Some say the 2 meter sounds better than the 1 meter, but I have not tried that. I have tried the Lightspeed 200 and the lower priced 100 is better.
For dacs, I would avoid the Cal Gamma. I have read a lot of good things about the Sigma and have just bought one, but have not received it. Dacs to consider if you want something small would be the Bel Canto or Micromega (Duo BS or Microdac). Micromega's can be bought used fairly cheap.
I have not tried a Sony ES changer as a transport, but I know of one high end dealer that used to recommend them for customers buying high priced dacs that insisted on a changer as a transport. I use a Stan Warren modified Aiwa changer as a transport and it is a good transport, but not as good as a Parasound single play belt drive transport that I also use. If I had not stumbled across the Aiwa, I would have gotten a Sony ES to try.
I have not tried a lot of changers.
Thanks for the info guys. I think I will probably go with the Sigma and the Manarchy or an Audio Alchemy. I will post the results.
I just received my Sigma today and plugged it in. Right out of the box I can say I really like it and would recommend it over the Micromega and as a better value than a Bel Canto. These are initial impressions and should be viewed as such. But for around $300 or maybe less for a used one, you can't go wrong trying one. The Sigma has some of the magic of tubes and images better than the Micromega.
Joe b thanks for the info. I have been leaning toward the Bel Canto with the Monarchy DIP but as you said it is about 300 more used. Did you have the chance to do a side by side with the Bel Canto?
Take the Monarchy Dip over the Audio Alchemy product - better reviews and better resale if you get the 24/96 version. It can be had from AudioAdvisor.com, which has an excellent return policy if you decide it doesn't make an appreciable difference.

Good Luck!