P5-xe, codex, XLR interconnects

I have an Apollo CDP, Music Hall TT with Goldring 1012 cartridge, feeding through a Clear Audio Nano phono pre, with both going to an Ayre AX-7e. Speakers are Sig 2 Ce.
With a budget of about $3k, I’m trying to figure my next best step.
I’m trying to decide whether I’m better off:
1-getting a new codex, and having about $1k for XLR Interconnects,
2- or getting a new Ayre PX-5e + XLRs
3- or get used codex and PX-5e (both on Audiogon now) and use existing unbalanced interconnects
4- saves more $ and wait for the release of the AX-8e, or spend elsewhere 

I mostly listen to CD’s, maybe 15% vinyl, but also looking forward to going more streaming. 

I guess I’m mainly interested in the difference between balanced streaming through the codex vs the unbalanced CDP,  and the difference between the Clear Audio phono pre and the Ayre phono pre, of course that assumes i’m Not better off upgrading the cartridge. 

I realize this is a question with 100+ answers and appreciate the guidance of you all. 
My experience with the Codex was there is an audible difference between the balanced and unbalanced connection in my system.  I was using Audience AU24 SE rca cables from the Codex to my VAC preamp initially and then changed to the older model Audience AU24e balanced interconnects. There was an improvment in soundstage and space around instruments noted in my system.  Ayre was designed to perform best using balanced connections according to many reviews I have read.  My VAC Renaissance V preamp is connected with balanced cables to an Ayre VX-5/20. 
The reason to go balanced is to avoid the colorations that are common with single-ended cables.
How that is possible is that there is a balanced standard which does the job. Your amp supports the standard, not sure about the preamp. But if it does, you won't need a budget of $1K to make the cables work- cheap cables will sound as good as the most expensive. I use Mogami Neglex cables that are 30 feet long in my system; they are not expensive!
replace your great 2ce with Treo.....or used Quattro......
Mogami wires are good, i use them in both my mobile recording rigs..digital and analog
and they are affordable......
I have some experience with Ayre.  I’m running all my sources balanced into an Ayre AX5/20, including the Ayre Codex. Before I upgraded to the Ayre AX5/20, I had the Rogue Cronus Magnum 2, which sounded great for the money but was single ended. The Codex sounded significantly better balanced than unbalanced in my opinion (I tried using some expensive RCA cables with little improvement).  I also own the PX5e phono pre-amp, my turntable is running fully balanced (had to change the tonearm cable to run balanced) into the PX5e and fully balanced out of the PX5e into the amp. The PX5e is an excellent phono pre-amp, very very quiet.  My only negative is that every time I want to change from a MM cart to an MC cart, I have open up the box and change the settings from the inside.  It would have been awesome if there was option to change the gain setting without opening the box.  If you’re thinking about Ayre equipment, I highly suggest running fully balanced.  Don’t get me wrong, single ended sounds great too but balanced just sounds better with Ayre. If I were you and I wanted to go with Ayre components to match up with the AX7e, I would buy the Codex and PX5e used and saving up for better cables.  I also think that Tomic601 suggestion is soild. The Treos are fantastic speakers and would bring the most improvement to the sound. Good luck! 
Thanks to you all.

 I'll looked into the Mogami cables atmasphere. They're certainly quite reasonably priced.

tomic and nyclee:   Right now, I'm assuming that it's the other components, not the speakers that are the weak links.  That's based on how wonderful they sounded with some other equipment when I listened to them at Johnny Rutan's Audio Connection. Are you guys saying that with my current gear the Treo's would be a better improvement than upgrading the other components? Even with the unbalanced input from the current CDP?

If my original assumption is correct, for the current $3k, I could get a used codex and the P5xe. I thought that would be the better upgrade path.  The Mogami cables are certainly not expensive, but right now, I have no balanced source. I'm not sure what's available for a TT arm that would fit my Music Hall. Still, my current CDP doesn't have balanced output, and that's what I listen to most. I thought that if I optically connect that to the codex and go balanced from there to AX7e, it might sound better than the RCA connection to the AX7e, and I can also stream to the codex. Is my thinking off there?

nyclee - are you saying you swap back and forth from MM to MC?  Could you please enlighten me as to why. I understand if you're suggesting I upgrade from the 1012 GX MM to a better MC cartridge. I'm not sure I understand why one would switch back and forth.