Parasound Halo JC-1 -VS- Bryston 7B-ST?

I have been reading alot of rave reviews on the older Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks.
Has anyone ever owned, heard, or compared both the Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks and the Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblocks?
If so which was superior and in what ways?
Please describe the sonic differences between the two in detail.
Thanks for all of your information!
Of all the audiophile gear available, the Bryston amps offer the most risk-free opportunity to buy-and-try. That's what I'd suggest. Buy some used 7B-ST monos. Listen to them in your own system, and let your ears be your guide. If you don't like them , you'll be able to re-sell them with virtually no dollars lost on the experiment.

Having said that, I owned a 4B-SST and 14B-SST. They were dead silent. Black as night. Nice controlled bass that could shake the foundation, and nice top end extension. Great imaging. I never heard an ST series amp, but the SST series are supposed to have more refined high frequency reproduction.

Agree with Tvad.I had the 4B and 4BST and they are just fine soundwise and easy to sell if need be.Good luck,Bob
No I am not bored with the JC-1's.
I was just curious on how the Bryston 7B-ST's sound.
I have never heard a Bryston amp before.