Parasound Halo JC-1 -VS- Bryston 7B-ST?

I have been reading alot of rave reviews on the older Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks.
Has anyone ever owned, heard, or compared both the Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks and the Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblocks?
If so which was superior and in what ways?
Please describe the sonic differences between the two in detail.
Thanks for all of your information!
I just want to concur with Essentialaudio that at 500 hours the JC1-1's are quite boring. I had been "piece mealing" the break-in time and keeping track of the hours. I knew about the long break-in time, but was becoming impatient. So I wrote to Crump and told him of my concerns and he talked me into leaving these bad boys powered-up 24/7 with signal. I didn't want to do it, but I promised myself that I wouldn't prematurely cut my loses and sell these amps until they were fully broken-in. Also. I wasn't looking forward to the power bill, but at least it wasn't summer (Arizona) and it wasn't that bad after all. My amps now have well over 2000 hours and they continue to blow my mind. And they took another quantum leap forward after I put aftermarket pc's on them. This may seem like an extreme and an exorbitant amount of time to break in a pair of amps, and perhaps it is. But the returns are well worth it. But I could totally understand someone taking a pass on JC1's for this reason. Also, I'm convinced that many people prematurely sell these amps, unsatisfied with their sound, prior to being fully broken-in. I posted to this thread because I also had 7b-sst mono's on my shortlist of amps at the time. I couldn't audition either amp, so I did a lot of research and homework. Which included talking to owners of both amps and speaking to people in the industry. Also one of the things that really bugged me about the sst's were that they didn't have dual binding posts, something I just can't understand in today's market. So, in the end, I ordered a brand new pair of JC1's and have never looked back (well, at least after the break-in:).
Brian. thanks for noticing my typo :). I will blame Elvis! Yes speaker is now left and right is right.

Unfortunately the dealer and I could not wait the 1200 hours for the JC's to sound good. In fact they rate the SIM amps a lot more than the parasounds. Way too much of a risk down in Sydney where re-sale is more difficult. That is why I added the disclaimer.

I am more than happy with the cj prem350 and I got it cheaper than the JC-1's which was a bonus. One advantage of buying from the distributor rather than distributor / dealer network
I dont know about the ST's, but the SST's are solid performers. That would be a tough choice.

For about the same price you could try a Pass Labs X250.5. It's a fantastic amp and could very well cure the "curiosities." Well, at least for a while anyway.
I agree. A friend of mine has had the JC-1's for a year and had a problem with one of the monoblocks. Parasound refused to repair it under warranty and call him an idiot during a phone call with a technician. Even Richard Schram, the president of the company, was belligerent. You won't have these problems with Bryston. I own the 4Bsst's.
Rukavina, I don't know what ax you have to grind with Parasound, but judging from your feedback it is obvious you are doing a lot of buying and selling...are you in the business? As for your friend, Parasound honors the warranty for the original purchaser only, as is the case with many audio manufacturers.

Based upon your apparently deliberate effort to slam Parasound without providing substantive information, I'd say there's more to the story than you are giving... Richard Schram is an honorable gentleman and runs a tight ship. Parasound reserves the right to refuse to service products that have been modified or otherwise tampered with, so I suggest you check your facts and present them the next time you choose to post such negative remarks...

Yes, I am a Parasound Halo dealer, in case you wondered, and none of my customers have experienced anything but prompt, courteous service from Parasound. In fact, if I heard of anything other than that, I'd be all over Parasound to clean up their act or I'd be done with them, as I choose to do business with only the best and the most professional and stake my reputation on it. I take my customers and this business very seriously, and I am proud to be associated with Mr. Schram and his staff.

Brian Walsh
Essential Audio
Barrington, Illinois