Pass Labs 350.5 or 600.5 owners--breakin time.....

I just bought a pair of Pass Labs 600.5 monoblocks which now have about 25 hours playing time on them. They are starting to finally open up in the upper registers and in detail. Still kind of veiled though... They sound better after 4+ hours of play. Could anyone comment on the total breakin time and what they may sound like after say 100 hours? Thanks! Stan
I had a 350 & now the 350.5. They both took 250 to 300 hours. The .5 was the shorter of the 2. In my experience they take you on a bit of a roller coaster ride, great one day, bad the next until the break in. But they will in time. Be patient.
I agree with HiFiguy, the relationship is a little rocky in the beginning, but after about 300 hrs they sing sweet like a bird. Well worth the wait.
i found the same. it took abour 300 hrs. for my 600.5's to really break in. its tough but be patient, it is well worth the wait.

Talon4, I have had the 350.5 and now run my system with XA-100's, both took about 200 to 250 hours to reach burn-in, after that there is a slow process of change towards their final performance signature. I would love to hear your final opinion regarding your 600.5's, I believe that Nelson Pass and his crew really "nailed it" with the .5 and XA series amps.