Pass Labs Aleph Question

Was thinking of trying out the 100 wpc aleph 2's with Dunlavy 4a's. I've heard these amps are some of the most natrual sounding amps out there and was wondering how well they performed in the low frequency area. Are they bass shy or can they be authoritative? How do they sound with complex music ? Rock? Thanks
I had a pair of Aleph 2's and found that they were wonderful, in bring you closrer to the music, as you put it. The Mid's are wonderful, High's to die for, they were matched prefectly with a pair of speakers custom made from Celestial Audio in Phx. But in my Exp. of you want Low end, and you have ineffienct speakers. The X series 350 may give you the punch your looking for. or the .5 would give you punch and the aleph close to the music.
I have Aleph 2s driving Vandy 5As. The 2s were driving SC IVAs before that and did a very job of it. The 2/IVA combo was set up in two rooms. The first one was 14x16x8.5 feet. This setup, on a short wall, (with Wadia 860 direct) was really good, bass measured to the 25 HZ area and was fairly flat.. The IVAs replaced Thiel 3.6s and are a better speaker IMO.

Later the same combo was part of a full HT setup in a 17x27x10 room on a short wall. With more room, the SC IVa were excellent in many areasr and had a small sweet spot. BUT, I never got flat bass. Later I added a REL Stentor III sub. I moved things all over and there were always holes. The kind I just could not get around. Fantastic HT speaker BTW using the processor Xover with sub.

In short if the SC4As work in your room, the Aleph 2s are excellent with the Dunlavys IMO.

I heard that Dunlavy had Pass amps (forget which ones) in house during product development.

I am looking to replace the Aleph 2s but it will cost me big bucks.

I also had the Aleph 2s with Dunlavy 4s. I went from the Aleph 3 to the Aleph 2s on the Dunlavys. I thought the major improvment was in the bass going to the 2s. There was always something I liked better about the sound of the Aleph 3, there just wasn't enough power for the Dunlavys though, and even the Aleph 2s with the Dunalvys wouldn't rock the house. I consider the Aleph 2s to be a weak 100 watts. They are great sounding amps though, just not powerful sounding amps.
Im with you TD. I have found out that if the 4a's arent set up properly or the room isn't working with them, you can have a krell fpb 600 hooked up to them and the bass isn't going to be right. Good thing for me, I have an ideal setup, a fairly small room 13X18 with the speakers on the long wall. I actually was between amps and had to borrow a 5 channel B&K av 5000 amp rated at 110 wpc and the bass was fine. So I can't really see the aleph 2's letting me down unless they're just bad at reproducing bass. Ejlif, How big was the room your Dunlavys were in?
The room was 18x25. I went from the Aleph 2s to the BAT VK150SEs and the bass as well as everything improved quite a lot. I really do love the Aleph sound, I just don't think the Dunlavys are the best match. I had better luck with the Silverline speakers with the Aleph amps