Pass Labs Aleph Question

Was thinking of trying out the 100 wpc aleph 2's with Dunlavy 4a's. I've heard these amps are some of the most natrual sounding amps out there and was wondering how well they performed in the low frequency area. Are they bass shy or can they be authoritative? How do they sound with complex music ? Rock? Thanks
I've owned the Aleph Os (the stereo version of the mono block) for years. It was driving my Thiel 2.2 for a while. When I upgraded to the Thiel 3.6, the Aleph Os was not powerful enough. But I kept it because it was just a very sweet sounding amp. It ended up in my second sytem powering a pair of Unity Audio Signature 1s. (Sonic Frontier SFT-1/ML #36DAC/ARC LS-1.) The system was very musical and the midrange was just awesome. Actually my wife prefer listening to this system over my main system.

I took down that second system and converted the room to the baby's room two years ago, and the amp has been sitting inside its crate in the garage. I started putting everything else for sale, but just could not bring myself to sell the amp. The only thing that would get me to sell this amp would be to buy a pair of the Aleph O monoblocks.

Recently I've decided to look for a new pair of speakers to replace the Thiel 3.6, and also to get a Pass X350.5. It just dawn on me the other day that I can use both the Aleph Os and the X350.5 to biamp. I think this would be a killer combo. We'll see. I have narrowed down my speaker choices to three, but have not made a final decision yet.

I am using an Aleph 30 to drive the woofers in Zu Definition Pros. For 40Hz up I use a Red Wine Audio Clari-T with only 6 watts of output. I have found that you can alter the ratio of investment between amplification and speakers if the latter are very efficient. I'm driving $10K worth of speaker bi-amped with an $1100 amplifier investment and no compromise whatsoever. This provides better results than you will ever get driving $5K worth of speakers with $5K worth of amps.
One of the classic Aleph amps for difficult loads is the 0 mono Series. With it's 3 gain staiges it really 'bites'. That's what I like so much much about these tough little amps. Only 2 ways:
Dead or Alive
One of the classic Aleph amps for difficult loads is the 0 mono Series. With it's 3 gain stages it really 'bites'. That's what I like so much much about these tough little amps. Only 2 ways:
Dead or Alive