Pass Labs INT 60 VS. Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP VS. Arcam A49

Tying to decide between the Pass Labs INT 60 integrated amp and the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated tube amp. I currently have the Arcam A49 which is excellent but looking for something with even more detail. All three have many excellent reviews, looking for input to make a decision. I have Wilson Audio Sasha 1 speakers, an Arcam D33 DAC, Rega Apollo-R CD, Clearaudio Performance DC turntable with a Manley Chinook phono stage. 
The Pass Labs is a beast and should pair very well with your Sashas and this from a tube lover. 


I agree with unsound, tls49 and almarg. You might want to check out this review of the Arcam P49, which is the power amp portion of your A49. JA compares it to the Pass XA60.5

That might help you get a handle on the sonic differences of Arcam and Pass.



I agree with Unsound and Tls49. And especially in the case of the specific tube amp in question, compared to many other tube amps, given its unusually high output impedance. See the third and fourth paragraphs here (although these measurements are for the non-HP version; the HP version may be somewhat better in these respects given the doubled complement of output tubes).

You may or may not like the sound that would result from the Sasha/PL pairing, but given the very considerable risk of disappointing sonics that is suggested by the impedance characteristics of this speaker and this amp, it would seem to make sense to pursue the much less risky solid state alternative.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

INT-60 user here. VERY happy!  Talk to Mark at Reno HiFi for great info.

My system:
Ayon CD-3sx cdp, Acoustic Zen Crescendo mkii loudspeakers, Pass INT-60.

I agree with unsound. The load of the Sasha is inappropriate for a tube amp. Proper amp/speaker matching is necessary to achieve good results.
I too agree with the above responses. Over the past 40 years I've also owned many great sounding SS amps including Pass, Classe, Modwright and Hegel. On a whim I bought the PL Dialogue Premium about 2 years ago and my system came alive. The sound is more musical, fuller sounding and much more enjoyable even at lower sound levels. Another advantage of the PL amp is tube rolling to fine tune the sound. I suggest you call Kevin at Upscale audio and he helped me get the best sound for my system.     
I agree with tablejockey all the way. I have owned many great solid state amps, including Pass labs, and a fine tube amp like the Primaluna Dialogue HP will simply give you more "realism", and suck you into the music for hours on end....You will have a hard time turning it off and going to bed!
I only have experience with the PL HP. Been enjoying the HP for 2 years. You will have a VERY nice sounding system if you choose the HP.

Your other 2 choices are great..but they’re SS, and simply won’t have the tube realism the HP has. Just as a tube phono sounds more convincing than a dead quite, precise SS unit, the HP will have a huge impact on your record listening.

Subjective, and it’s just YOUR ears that make the final call. Your gear is first rate, the HP will put them in their best light.