pass labs x0.2 "pro's and cons's"

looking to buy a pass x0.2 here on audiogon. before i finalize the deal, i am looking for anyone with experience using and listening to this preamp for their impressions.

Heard it at the dealer some years ago. It is dead quiet as Overhang points out but it is fairly neutral, so don't expect it to create any kind of "harmonic richness." If it is not in the recording, it is not going to show. It is the ideal pre-amp for those who simply let the music speak for itself. If you want harmonic richness, go for a tube pre-amp. Lots of dynamics- you hear everything in the recording but it never sounds dull or clinical. No listening fatigue of any kind. I have the X2.5 and it has similar characteristics- the 0.2 is a lot smoother, quiet, and detailed. Also, the build quality (solid lab grade looks)is exemplary. If you can secure a good deal, go for it. This is a world class reference pre-amp.

thanks for the replies. i have a great deal on one and i am going to buy it . it will work well with my pass momos.

"Beware" sounds like some kind of ominous warning! It would be rather strange if it doesn't match with the X250.5. Generally speaking, Pass Pre-amps matches very well with their amps. I have heard the X1 with the X350.5 paired up with Gershman and also Avalon speakers and the sound was very good. I have also heard the 0.2 and Pass amps at various hi-fi shows and there is nothing to indicate that they would not match well- even with the newer .5 series. The Hovland pre and Pass amp combo had an edge in richness but the X1 combo had more dynamics- hear more of the music. To each his own I guess.
i have one coming tomorrow. i will hook it up and compare it to my bat vk51se. the bat is broken in and the x0.2 will need some time, but it will make for an interesting comparison.

i think i will keep both preamps for now, use them in rotation and see which i truly like better over the next 6-9 months.

i will note i have had the bat vk51se for 3 yrs. and i matches very well so far with my 600.5 monos and wilson watt puppy 7's.

i will keep all informed.

dr. keith zeliger