Pass labs X600


I would like to know, what amp from another manufacturer is comparable to the Quality and potencial of the Pass X600 regardles of price. What amp can be consider to be as good as the X600. I'm in the market for a pair of monoblocks, but seems that I won't be able to find any X600 any time soon, so I need another options? Also what make Pass labs X600 so heavy? is it worth the weight?Any help will be apreciated before I make a decision.

Pass is the best because they are heavy, hot, sharp, and emit that blue light that is universally attractive to the male species. Krell also has the blue light, but there is more of it with Pass, so that makes them better. The Pass are selling at a little over $22 per pound or $11 per watt, so that is pretty good.

Seriously, the Pass is a great deal, and they are always offered on audiogon or ebay. Although some people may say that the x600 did not quite do it for them, I've yet to hear anyone bad mouth the things. In the end, you probably just need to either listen to the stuff yourself, or roll the dice and order something. It's doubtful that people can help you at this level.

I don't think weight is everything ... my old Pioneer SX1280 receiver weighed a "ton". Maybe I should bring it back up from the basement ?

But seriously, getting recommendations for a good SS amp in this price range may be difficult. You will excite some of the tube vs. SS people and are liable to get marked differences of opinion. In this price range, some will suggest you look at Edge NL amps, Gryphon, Dartzeel, before the tube guys put them in their place.
The X600's are great amps, their sound is fast, timbrically correct, a bit on the dry side but depends on your gear and, yes, a real bargain on the used market... They sound not like a 600 watts monster with enflated muscles but like a superfast 100 watts with incredible power reserve, I'm in love with my X600...