Pass vs McCormack?

Did not see these particular amps compared in threads...

These seem to be the two SS amps that consistently get the highest praise around here. How do they compare to each other? I'm thinking of the DNA .5 or 1, but don't really know much about the different Pass models....


OK, pretend the price difference doesn't exist.

Have you heard both and have any opinion as to relative sound character?

Don't seem to be having much luck in this thread.
Also, consider this...

If I buy a DNA-1 for ~$800, and send it in for $1000 to $2000 of upgrades as I plan, it would in the price range of used, more powerful Pass amps.

Jim, as you noted in your OP, you really don't see these two brands compared in the archives. Swampwalker and I told you why. It's hard enough to find any Pass vs. Mccormack head to head comparison, and now you want to compare modified McCormack to Pass?? Good luck finding anyone who has some side by side experiences there.

They are both good brands with good reputations, spend as much $$$ as you are comfortable spending and enjoy the music. I believe that you have to be careful with both brands if you are planning to use a tube preamp though, impedence issues.

OK, guess you're right. Thanks for the help. I tried posting this again, so guess we can ignore that one.

Hi Jim, I certainly see the pricing disparity that the others speak of, but I think considering both manufacturers reputation, it is a fair question. I wish I had the experience to answer it, hopefully someone will, I'd like to hear how they might compare.
We hear all the time about how an amp compares way above its price range.