Pass X-250.5 or Plinius SA-103

I've ben going back and forth. Would like to go to Pass XA but can't afford it. What's the better choice here??? I'm thinking the 125 watt in class a would be better. I've never heard the SA-103. Some say the Plinius amps are noisy, but I have the itch to try one. Any thoughts?

speakers - DeVore Fidelity Nines
preamp- Pass Labs X-1
source- Esoteric X03-se
BPT 2.5 sig power conditioner
cables- Audiopath silver 8
Correcto. The Aleph O and Os have both single-ended and balanced inputs. But I've not been able to produce the performance level of my X350.5 with my Aleph Os, probably because my speakers need more power than what the Os can deliver? Speakers are Verity Parsifal Encores.

I have never owned a Pass, but the warmth and smoothness of a plinius would never disappoint.
I think if you like the Plinius amps, to my ears it is similar in presentation to both the the Aleph and the X series Pass equipment, depending on the position of the bias switch. I had the SA-100 and would compare it to the X-150 Pass A/B design. When switched into high bias class A very similar to the Pass Aleph 4...but I found the Aleph to be the most musical to my ears...a little magic!
I have owned Pass XA-60.5's, and just about every amp you can imagine (AR (VT 100MKII and solid state), BAT, Rowland, Krell, VAC, NAD Master Series, Music Reference, and lots more). Just tonight, I installed a Plinius SA 103.

Maybe I am just in a good mood tonight, but I am telling the entire audio world that this amp is a giant killer. I absolutely loved my Pass Amps; I regreted selling them until tonight. The Pass XA's were the best solid state I have ever owned. And a Nelson Pass design may be the right amp for you (but I would stay with XA is you can as my Pass X150.5 seemed a little boring by comparison)!

But let me tell you, this Plinius does exactly what I want an amp to do. Imaging the likes of which I have never heard. Punch and good dynamics without sounding at all forward or pushy. Dead quiet. Did I mention the sound stage and the revealing sound without a hint of analytical-type sound?

Just a great amp. I hope to have it for many, many years.

Like both Pass and Plinius.

The Plinius, with higher gain and input impedance, is more friendly to tube and passive "preamps". That and the swiss army knife versatility was my most deciding factors.

Pass, especially the XA series, are almost overbuilt. Truly outstanding build quality. Respect.

Pass is fully differential. Plinius only becomes differential as a bridged monoblock.

Something about the SE Alephs and XA-series that don't lend themselves toward deep bass, which wasn't an issue for myself, being active biamped. Same can be said for the Monarchy SE-100, although it only compares to the Pass in one topology terminology and use of MOSFETs. Understand the XA.5 improved in that regard. The Plinius is certainly not bass shy and I prefer it's handling of the bass to what I would call "overly tight-fisted" of some other brands.

Most of the Plinius noise issues date back before the dual transformer, mkIII series and are more related to contamination of the AC in the homes. In those rare cases, it can be usually fixed with DC blockers or a remote isolation transformer. If not, even after that, every manufacturer occasionally gets a bad transformer and can be warrantee repaired without sending back to NZ.

The Plinius SA sound is not everyone's cup of tea. It's soundstage is stable and not "bloomy" while still being dynamic. More "natural" than "impressive".

One odd thing that I encountered about the Plinius, but have never heard by others, is that it seems sensitive to mismatched speaker cables or, by extension, possibly some speakers and vulnerable to oscillation. Perhaps it was just a freak occurrence but was also easily remedied. I tend to find the breaking points of a lot of stuff.