PC that wont change my amp's personality ?

My amp is a Classe 301. The reason I like Classe is that when used properly , it provides a somewhat tube like sound from solid state. On my digital side I use a VD nite, which works very, very well. Ive tried the Nite on the amp. The benefits are it does turbo charge the amp , and does make it sound somewhat more like a "live" performance. I can understand why some people would like the VD Nite on their amp. The downside is The Classe loses its tube like personality, which was the reason for the Classe purchase in the first place. Budget is approx $400.00 used. Already have dedicated 20amp lines and Wattgate recepticles. Suggestions?
Sounds like you are hearing the music that you have been missing. Inductive power cords can act like compressors or tone-controls, holding back the dynamics of the amp, particularly at HF. If there is harshness in the recording, shouldn't you be hearing it? If you get a really excellent recording with no harshness you will probably miss a lot of the music.

I do not consider the Classe to be tube-like. Amps that use no negative global feedback tend to be more tubelike. I would recommend a different amp or speakers.
Try the PS Audio Lab II as this is what I use on my Classe amps and they have been the best for me so far.
My amps are Classe 25 and run two in mono. I find my amps to have great tight bass, lush mids and very smooth highs. I find that the Classe amps to be very powerful, smooth sounding amps with the PS Audio PC and you can pick up a 6 foot used for around $275, If your interested I have a 12 foot Lab II PC that is to long for my set up and would sell it. Email me if your intersted. Happy Listening!
if you like you amp why are you going to spend money changing it by buying a power cord, go buy more music with the $400 instead