Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
If you move the E Mat less than 1/2 inch away from a ferrous material or shelf there is 0 pull force..I think there will be virtually 0 chance of magnetic interference while  using the E Mat with any product. Tom
Has anyone tried the mats withs your speakers? If so, how did you place them, and what were the results? Obviously you need two.
If you move the E Mat less than 1/2 inch away from a ferrous material or shelf there is 0 pull force..I think there will be virtually 0 chance of magnetic interference while using the E Mat with any product.

>>>>Well, there is the inverse square law to consider, I suppose. But the slightly magnetic mat ain’t going to help adhere to the surface if it’s not ferrous, which many things aren’t. The question is whether magnetism is part of how the mat works.
"The question is whether magnetism is part of how the mat works."

Pretty sure my September release is going to raise a lot of new questions, and magnetism will not be one of them.

I have also noticed speculation on my cost to offer my products, as
well as the quality. Quality is my number one priority, not cost.

As far as cost well, I just finished a material batch, and I spent more then I paid for my home, and I don't live in a rabbit hole.