Perfect room size...

I need help from you acoustics gurus. Assume I have a space that is 22' x 20' x 8.5' (yeah, a garage a friend wants to convert). She wants to trim it down so that (1) she retains some storage space and (2) has the most acoustically "perfect" dimensions she can achieve. The second criterion is more important than the first and, all things considered, she wants the room to be as big as possible.

Can anyone be good enough to apply whatever arcane formulae apply here and give us some ideal dimensions?

If people are interested, we could probably turn this into an a'gon group project...surface treatments, wiring, etc., as she has pretty much put this into my hands.

Many thanks!

10 x 16 x 25 is the ideal dimension ratio to work with. if you apply this rule, based on your ceiling, you get 8.5' x 13.6' x 21.25'. i would be tempted to make the width a bit larger than this and make it 8.5' x 16' x 22'. this is just my idea, please get a more expert opinion.
Richard Vandersteen once told me that my 14 X 22 room should be excellent acoustically-- and I only have 7 1/2 ft. ceiling height. He didn't say anything about that so I guess it's at least OK. I've spent a lot of time with an SPL meter in there (setting up Vand. 5s), and have yet to get bad readings. Good Luck. Craig.
Length should be 1.6 times the width. This is known as the "golden mean". Don