performance vs. resale

How much does the ease of resale factor into your decision to buy a product? Many times I'm tempted to buy a piece of very interesting or highly rated equipment from a very obscure brand, but then I hesitate, knowing I may have to "eat it" when it comes to resale...have any of you been burned badly trying to re sell rare equipment ?
Buying used keeps the ratio reasonable. I tend to buy and hold, so it's not a big issue to me, so my equipment is a mix of new and used.

To the extent that you're uncertain about a component you should lean toward buying used. It's not unusual for high-end components to lose 50% of their value once used, no matter how vaunted the marque.

I'm a bottom-feeder BUT I have found too many great pieces that are "unknown" and are harder to sell (once I've found something even better).

On the otherhand, I have been burnt so badly by cottage designers (like Tube Technologies) to deal with them in the future.
I would not purchase equipment of that type if I couldn't audition it in my system first.

If that piece gives me the synergy that I wish to achieve, the price would matter little. The resale value would be a small concern simply because the gear is delivering the magic I was seeking.

I normally won't purchase a piece of gear unless I can get a track record on it on pricing, resale value and performance first. Even then it's a gamble. Who is to say it will perform well with your speakers, interconnect, speaker cables and other. Just do what's comfortable for you and don't have any regrets.
if you're thinking about resale when you're making the purchase, don't buy it. its like contemplating how the divorce will go, when getting married.
Jaybo; to use your analogy, when I'm buying equipment, I'm really just dating. I already know I'm not going to be married to it. I think most people here (which is what keeps this site going) buy and sell equipment as a hobby. I like to try lots of different stuff in my room/system and couldn't do it if I didn't take resale into consideration.