Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Pioneer sx 1280
Pse studio 4,s
Cary slm 70,s
Pass x350
Papworth Audio m200,s
The Cary,s had the best midrange, Oh so sweet.The Pass was not has good as the hype. What can I say, I,m a tube man
Unlike many of you, I started very near the top! (please laugh, its' a joke)

1980 Laffayette receiver, thought it sounded awesome at the time.
1982 NAD 7060
1984 Harmon Kardon Citation 11 or 12 (can't remember)
1985 Carver M-400, big mistake, 201 Watts, what a joke!
1986 Carver M-400, added a second to run mono's at 500 Watts, one was not enough power, what a surprise. Minimal improvent. OK, I'm a slow learner.
1988 G.A.S Son of Ampzilla, 80 Watts, infinately more power than the 2 Carver's and WAY better sound.
1989 G.A.S Ampzilla, 250 Watts, used to run subs, left the Son on top. this setup worked well on the Snell A2i's
1991 Elektron Kinetics Eagle, 125 Watts to run Bevridge Sys 3's
1991 Adcom 555 to run the single sub w/ Bev's
2001 Odyssey Stratus, 150 Watts, nice improvement.
2002 Decware Zen Select, I've been bitten by the notorious "Tube Bug"! Ya owe it to yourself to hear one!
2002 Decware Integrated, loved the Zen but, needed a bit more power with my not too efficient speakers.
Like many of the above posts, I started with midfi- Sansui 6 receiver. I evolved into hifi with the Hafler 220 and never looked back. I upgraded to a pair of OCM 100's(used as balanced differential monoblocks). It seems I have followed a trend in changing from solid state to tube amps--Berning 811 Ziegfried. Not to start another thread, but has anyone else noticed this trend? Just curious as to why or what made people change from SS to tubes.
Fisher 500T receiver - 1967
QUAD 303 - 1973
QUAD 405 - 1978
ATI AT1502 - 1998
EDGE M-6 - 1999
Llano S200 - 2000
Belles 350A - 2002

I may try biamping with the Llano and the Belles.
