Personas....7F vs 9H

Thinking about one of these speakers. And looking for advice/thoughts about why you would prefer one over the other, suitability in a 18 x 18 room with high ceilings, etc. Have heard the 9H and was impressed. Aside from the room correction and built in amplification, and the benefits these should give, is there a difference in their sound that would cause one to be preferred over the other?

Thanks , 
DVDboulet, there is very little difference between the 7 and the 9, sonically, they are the same speaker with the difference being a slightly deeper bass response in the 9H

The real advantage the active bass system is in the speakers adaptability.

If you have a larger room and have lattitude where to position the speakers the 7 will be perfect, if the room is smaller then a good sized room lets say 25-30 foot long, 18+ wide etc, the 9H will be ble to produce tight non boomy bass.

So it comes down to room size, and positioning.

If someone has the extra budget the 9H would be better, as the bass will always be good, and if not and the room has size and the ability to position the speakers go with the 7.

Hope that helps.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
If you have a pre-amp with sub-outs I wonder if you might not even get better performance for less money doing a pair of Persona Bs or Persona 5Fs combined with a pair of Persona Subs.  The Persona Subs have the same ARC correction built in as the bass sections of the 9H, and could be placed in the room separately from the mains for better performance overall (since oftentimes the best place for bass in the room is not the same place as the best place for mids and highs in a room).  

Innteresting idea. We recently sold a set of Persona 3F with the much less expensive Paradigm SW 2000 sub, which is still a monster sized sub, we sold that sub to play with the SW 1000 which is smaller and less expensive  Our idea was to be able to offer a $13k combo of woofer and 3F which will be ideal for many clients.

The larger 5F will still sound better because it is a physically larger loudspeaker so it will still sound larger than a 3F plus sub but not go as low.

Yes dual Persona subs would be amazing, but at the price point of $7,500 each dual subs plus a set of 5F you would be at the cost of the 9H's

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Good catch, I was thinking 3F and typed 5F.  

I was thinking the Persona subs both for matching the finish of the speakers, and for the built-in ARC.  If you go with a Pre-Amp or Integrated Amp with bass management and room correction built-in (like the Anthem STR -Pre or STR-Integrated) you could go with more affordable subwoofers and still get the ARC magic.  

I was absolutely blown away when I heard the Persona Bs, easily the best speaker I've ever auditioned, so I can only imagine how great the rest of the series sounds. 
I was seriously considering something from the persona line,local dealer only has the b’s for demo for now.So that means I would have buy without demo or travel several states away.
I would be using a Lyngdorf 2170 with room perfect correction and would go passive.
But a demo pair of Lawrence audio double bass speakers from a dealer near Chicago quickly changed my mind,I wanted something different and unique and I think I found it.
Time will tell and happy hunting to all,
