Personas....7F vs 9H

Thinking about one of these speakers. And looking for advice/thoughts about why you would prefer one over the other, suitability in a 18 x 18 room with high ceilings, etc. Have heard the 9H and was impressed. Aside from the room correction and built in amplification, and the benefits these should give, is there a difference in their sound that would cause one to be preferred over the other?

Thanks , 
I have found myself wondering actually what the 7f sounds like particularly since I invested in rather powerful Pass amplification not long ago. The 7f does go down to 25 hz and I know from experience that all you have to do to do room correction on the bass on that speaker is to use a program like REW and a good calibrated microphone, take some measurements, plug in some parameters into REW among which is limiting the filters to everything under 200, 300 or 400 hz and voila, room correction. Just zip the filters, upload them to REW and poof. Another somewhat annoying thing about having a speaker that has a sensitivity rating of 96 db is the tube rush you’ll hear if you have a tube pre, which in my opinion, ALL these speakers could use as a way of softening/warming them up a tiny bit. No tube rush on the 7f and below. Not a biggie but at this level everything becomes a biggie.  And if I keep the 9Hs I'll be happier when Anthem comes out with the almost soon to be released next version of their room correction software which will provide more flexibility to end users than the current version which in my opinion shelves up the bass response ever so slightly compared to the rest of the frequency range.
ARC in just the bass section and not touching the mid and tweeter at all = much better and far more flexible.  9H is also sealed, has two more woofers, beefier woofers, different cross over from mid to woofers, etc

The $10,000 upgrade ($8,000 or less during the promotion right now) is dollar for dollar a steal of an upgrade.
I'm just waiting for someone to come along and tell us how much better Vandersteen speakers are, how flawed Personas are.