Phono cartridge advice: replacing an Ortofon MC Rondo Red

Hi all - 

Looking for advice on a cartridge replacement/possible upgrade.  I say 'possible' because the Rondo Red sounds pretty damn good to me, but have nothing to compare it to.  I also don't know how 'polite' it is, but have read such in reviews.  I like the idea of neutrality but wonder if this cartridge is overly analytical.  A local sales guy told me that he 'always' recommends Dynavector for rock/jazz fans.  Claims the 10 x 5 is amazing and the 20x2 is all that and more.  I've also read great things about the Ortofon 2m black.  My system is simple:

Rogue Pharaoh integrated amp
Ryan 620 speakers
VPI Traveler, currently using an Ortofon MC Rondo Red

I listen to classic jazz, rock, some metal, and ambient electronic. 

I'm considering the following, but have no way of sampling of course.  None of the local shops have demo tables with any of these on them.  My budget is $500 - $800, but could stretch to $1K with a compelling enough perspective.  

I'm considering the following:
Dynavector 10 x 5 or 20x2 (would be a stretch)
Ortofon 2m bronze or black (but only the bronze if it was a lateral from the MC Rondo Red

Hope that makes sense - any feedback is appreciated!  Thanks - !
Thanks Matt, just the sort of feedback I was looking for, much appreciated!  Based on my system is the 20x2 overkill?  What differences do you hear between the two?  Or is it just a deeper richer 10x5?  Thanks again - 
Me not come from red but blue,also ended with dynavector 20x2L
somehow synergy bettween VPI arm and dynavector is best .
strecht it for 20X2L ,your 60db phono Should enough to drive low output.

Yes the 20x2 is overkill thats why I said get the 10X5 , youll love it!  The differences are not subtle, soundstage is wider, and the cartridge is better in the top end while still remaining warm and dynamic.  But the rest of your system would need to follow suit to realize its full potential.

Matt M