phono preamp

Hi, I'm thinking about getting into analog until the cd format becomes more clear. I own Dahlquist speakers (20I's) and Legend Audio triode amps. I don't have a pre-amp and I'm not sure I will get one. I would like to know if there are any phono pre-amps with a volume control for under $1000 that sound good? I know there is the EAR, but know of no other. How does the EAR sound? Also, can I use a regular interconnect from amps to the phono stage and to the turntable, or is there a special cable that I use to the turntable? I'm thinking about a Rega 3 or 25 turntable, since I know nothing about turntables and I heard they are easy to set up. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks
Antique Sounds makes terrific tube phono preamps at very reasonable prices. The sonics far exceed what you would expect at the price. I have a PP-1, which cost around $500, but I don't think it is made anymore. I also have a Croft Vitale tube pre, which has line and phono stage, and the sound is excellent. It retails for $1000, having come down from $1500 at the beginning of the year.
As for the cable from the TT, you'll probably use a Rega tonearm, even if you don't get a Rega TT, and they come hardwired with RCA's, so you won't need an extra cable to the pre.
I just got back into analog and considered the Rega TT, but settled on a VPI HW-19 jr. with a Rega RB300 tonearm. I added Expressimo Audio mods, including rewiring the tonearm, and it is a winner. I'll be selling it only because I got a great deal on a Linn.
I'm just starting my search, so I don't know what cartridge I'll be using. I'll probably just take the recommendation of the rega people, or whoever I buy the table from for now. I really know nothing about cartridges, etc. but will take any advise for now. Thanks
I don't know which cartridge you intend to use but beware of using a tube phono stage with a low gain cartridge. Noise could easily become a problem. The Electrocompaniet ECP1 is a fantastic $1000 solid state phono preamp that very few people seem to know about. I have heard it trounce numerous phono stages costing up too $2500. It's liquid and naturally warm, yet fast and controlled. I highly recommend a listen before making a decision.

As far as turntables, consider stretching your budget to a table that is far better built and upgradable. The Michell Gyrodec is such a table. It's suspended (an absolute must IMO), stunning looking and walks that fine line between musicality and neutrality extremely well. The Gyro SE starts at $2200 with a Rega RB300 arm.

Good luck!

I should have read your post more closely. The Electrocompaniet is strictly a phono stage and has no volume control. It is fantastic none the less.
I recommend the Wright WPP100B/C phono pre amp, it goes for $750 and is tube, put out by The Wright Sound Company.

Great review in last issue of Listener