Pioneer DV-47A arrival date?

Does anyone know when this new DVD player will be out? The Pioneer web page says January but does anyone know when in January?

It sounds like a great machine. DVD Video, DVD Audio, and SACD at a list price of $1,200. Pioneer build quality is usually pretty nice as well. Wonder if they killed the Chroma Bug??

Anyone have any more info?



I just checked the "tiny icon" at the bottom of the screen at the Pioneer website and looked for the DV-47a, and sure enough, it is right there. It is going to be a "truly" universal digital player (meaning, not only is it going to play the standard fare of DVD's, CD's and CD-RW's...... but it is also going to play MP3 files burned on CD-RW's, DVD-A, and SACD) that's going to have 12/108 video processing. And it's going to retail for $1,200.00. If they price the new DV-47a just like they did the current DV-37, then I may end up getting one from around $950.00 to about $1,100.00.

WOW........ What a revelation!!!!!! I'm certainly going to ask my dealer about this. If they start carrying them when they come out, I'm going to tell them to put my name on their list. Surely, I'm going to want one.

Thanks for turning me on to it. I'm going to tell "Sdcampbell" about this one.

I think I am going to want one. Looks like my current DV-37 is now going to have a permanent home in my audio system for sure.


It's under the tiny icon at the bottom of the screen it says "Press Room".

I didn't know Pioneer was even coming out with a DV-47. I checked Pioneer's website the other day, and I haven't found any mention of them even coming out with a DV-47. So now, if it is indeed on their website, then I would like to know where it is.

