Planar/panel speakers to replace Carver Amazings

Hi All,

a while back, I posted a question titled “Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options?” in this section. However, it didn’t get many responses.

However, perhaps the above simpler title will elicit more responses. Just trying again.

if you’d like more background info, please see the above titled post.

All the best and many thanks.

bdp24, thanks for the complement and perspective. Yes, I happened across the LFT-VI when I was looking for something else. A guy had them in the background of an Ad to sell LFT-4's. I contacted him and asked about the LFT-VI. He seemed happy enough to get to sell them, too. That was several years ago. I don't see them around much now.

I guess the nomenclature and style is changed; my model is now the KS17. If you want a close approximation of the King III, the Prince III is seriously good. The new version, the KS16, looks like it's full range line source type.

Well Doug, if you ever decide to sell the LFT-6's let me know! Have you seen the posting from the guy who, like you, doubled-up two pair of LFT-8's? But instead of placing them side-by-side, he removed the LFT drivers from ET's panels, and installed them in his own steel frames. He arranged the midrange drivers two-wide and two-high, with a pair of the tweeters right next to the mid panels, one atop the other. Under each frame is an ET woofer cube. Brilliant!
Have you guys heard or owned the Carvers? I’m wondering how the other speakers we have been discussing sound in comparison? Thanks. 
I have owned Accoustat 2 + 2 s, Maggie 3.5Rs and now the bargain tat is not a room divider- Emerald Physics KCIIs (with wireWorld OCC upgrade). They throw an incredible soundstage, as well as excellent bass. Hard to beat for ~$2K 
Hi Doug, I am a proud owner of LFT-VI as well, and surprisingly I also bought them used in a completely random manner when I was shopping for another pair -- I saw a pair of transmission-line speakers on Craigslist, went to the guy's apt for an audition, and found the LFT-VI just standing there. Apparently the guy had not had the time to put an ad for the VI yet. I knew nothing about the ET at the time, and but a quick listen confirmed that these LFT-VI are special. I offered $450, and the guy accepted. It took me two trips to get them home.

I am now having upgraditis. Could you be kind enough to offer your professional opinion on the LFT-VI to reinforce my loyalty to the VI, or alternatively point me to worthy alternatives that hopefully I can get inexpensively in the used market (preferably below $3k)?

Thank you!