Playback Designs MPD-3

I am looking for any feedback regarding the sound of this DAC, and how it stacks up against the current top-tier. It's been out since the middle of the year, but there isn't much info out there regarding its performance.

Ghasley, did you sell your MPD-3? What did you replace it with, and why? Curious to hear your current thoughts - thanks!
I use a Playback Designs MPD3, I finally posted my main system for those keeping score at home.
Have any mpd3 owners heard the hissing and background 60hz type oscillation noise coming from your unit when no music is being played through the xlr connections? I have heard this in 2 separate players now , one I had in my home the other at my local dealer who had the other unit hooked up to AR pre amp amp and 180000 Wilson speakers, both units did this and the dealer was shocked when I pointed this out. Would like to know if anyone else hears this when you turn your volume control up a bit without music playing. Thanks
No hiss here, dead quiet. I had my MPD3 connected via XLR (currently running single ended) and it was a black background to say the least. For your reference, I use a Cardas clear M power cable into a Running Springs Audio Jaco conditioner. The problem is likely elsewhere although I guess anything is possible with electrical components. Do you live in an area with difficult power delivery? Especially when summer is concerned, sporadic voltage fluctuations could trigger a number of anomolies. Peace.