Please help-cables, interconnects?

Brand new to this, but just bought a new system and have read alot of you talking about different speaker wires, interconnects, etc. Would very much appreciate advice on which to look into as well as what this would do to improve my system which consists of Sim Moon I-5 integrated amp, Musical Fidelity A3cd player, and Gershman Accoustic Avante Garde RX-20 speakers. Thanks in advance.
I would purchase high quality used wire and begin by searching hear at Audiogon. The popular brands like MIT, Purist, Audioquest and Cardis are all highly re sellable, and perhaps even affordable enough to buy more than one at a time to experiment with. This would help you learn while you listen, something that will enable you to continue growing your system in the direction that satisfies you. Try living with your choice for several days, without making a snap judgement. Remove it, and see what you are missing and what is gained. You will come to the conclusion that certain changes will satisfy you long term, where you won't later regret your decision. Best wishes!
Also to consider Analysis Plus Oval 9 for speaker wire (used by Von Schweikert Audio and good reviews here). Harmonic Tech interconnects. has some great prices on silver interconnects (try the silver lace) with a 30 day in-home trial.
Ditto, on the anaysis plus oval 9, but i am not impressed with there ic's,and have been waiting months for some used acoustic zen ic's to buy,so they must be as good as the reveiws say,because no one is selling.
I third the oval 9's, but am sure the speaker cables albertporter mention are all great too. There are about 300 he did not mention but could have. I have no idea if these are even a possibility for the equipment you mention.

In any case, I say start with the speaker cables. For me, the addition in my system (last) of the oval 9 speaker cables sent sooooo much information to my speakers that was not getting there before, it allowed me to really examine how the signal is assembled behind the speakers. Once in, it is much easier to identify and determine how, if at all, other components (like interconnects) affect the total sound output. IMHO,FWIW, etc., etc.