Please rate WATT/Puppy 7

How great is it?Is it musical? Classical music only. Lots of chamber.
I concur that the W/P 7 needs proper setup but what really good speaker doesn't? It takes experience to position them ideally and that is why I always work with the dealer who places them intitially, allows them to break in then comes back several times to fine tune them with me. The result is easily worth the effort. I imagine having someone with experience set up the Kharma's would produce a better result than some noviciate reading the owner's manual.

I also concur that the W/P 7s sound sublime with capable tube amps which is why I run mine with JA-100s. But I have recently found them to be quite compatible with the elegant SS Hovland Radia stereo amp, no brute there.

There is no "do-everything" speaker but the W/P 7 comes closer than anything yet conceived. There are speakers that can best it in any given category but none can keep up in all.
Dkarmeli, I would think most people would think the bass of the Vandersteen 5 is superior to that of the Wilson's. But they are not in the same price point.

I personally prefer the Vandersteen 5 to the Watt/Puppy overall too. But that is obviously my opinion and as such is extremely subjective.

>> I would think most people would think the bass of the Vandersteen 5 is superior to that of the Wilson's<<

Generally I don't trust nor agree with most people's opinion!
Ok, have you ever heard the bass on the Vandersteen 5? If not, I suggest you try it. You might change your opinion.