Plinius SA301 Or Bryston 4bsst2?

Hi, I am thinking of upgrading my amp, but would like to seek your advise which amp is more suitable for my Thiel 2.4 speaker? Thanks.

as a THiel lover myself, you will want the power amp, that also, has high-current to drive them properly.

A tubed power amp, will be another matter. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of auditioning ARC, Ayre, Aesthetix, Bryston, Classe' and Pass Labs (currenrly the best SS at this time). Do not forget older solid-state power amps like Parasound and Threshold.

Lately, Conrad Johnson owners state that these components are a sonic match for Thiel as well.

As anyone can read, there are many, many power amps that will drive those speakers to Audio nirvana. Keep me posted & Happy Listening! JA
Which amp is more details and quieter as I am unable to compare side by side due to dealer don't carried these two amplifiers together. Thanks.
Oh ok, thanks. I would go with the Plinius for sound, but maybe not as reliable operation-wise as the Bryston.