Plinius vs. McCormack

I have a pair of B&W speakers-CDM 9NTs. I'm looking at either the Plinius 8200P amp with a Plinius CD LAD preamp or a McCormack DNA225 amp with a McCormack RLD1 preamp. Any thoughts?
10 years, and still nobody has answered the question. I'll wait another 5 or so and check back.
Just for the sake of continued unsubstantiated assertion, I will comment on this subject.
I have owned both a McCormack DNA-1 (unmodified) and a Plinius power amp of identical claimed power (200W/side) called, I believe, the M-8. In any case, it is the same power plant as used in the 8200 integrated.
My unverified and unblinded conclusions were (I no longer use either amp) that, overall, the Plinius sounded more "electronic," more like a reproduced sound, than the DNA-1 which showed some warmth and liquidity (no, I am not a banker). I thought the Plinius revealed more inner detail and was more dynamic so, hoping to lower the electronic quality, I tried a pair of Plinius SA100MkIIIs. These did 9indeed sound a bit more naturally warm and neutral (timbrilly) but still put the recorded qualities of the source material ahead of the "live" virtues.
I thought both amps were excellent but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the Plinius as the "better" unit but with the caveat that its slight "gray" edge could get on your nerves eventually, as it did with me.
As for me, I compromised by getting 'hold of a Sunfire 600, an amp,with considerably less panache and rep than the Plinius or even the DNA-1. But to my ears, it sounded at least as open, detailed, dynamic, etc. as the Plinius but with a sleek and silky treble and an overall life-like warmth. I am aware that the Sunfire retailed at c.$3000 while the pair of Pliniuses went for c.$9000. I don't care.
I have a Plinius 8200 Mk II integrated (much improved over original). Ir has dynamic And punch....while having warmth but you would not mistake it for a tubed amp. I am considering a move to check out a McCormack DNA in my system (soliloquy 5.3 floorstanding speakers). Just waiting for a great price on a used DNA revised or one of the newer generation ones like the 250.