Portable Audiophile

This may be somewhere in the posts but I am not able to find.
What is the best portable, high end, headphone solution, even if it's carried in a back pack? CD based.

What about portable on a larger scale for weekend travel and set up in a hotel or motel?

Any ideas?


Etymotics ER-4P or ER-4S. The ER-4S need an external amp. These are ear buds that offer the absolute best in noise cancellation during air travel, much better than any noise cancellation headphones. They rival the best headphone period regardless of price or type. The best thing about these are that they take up absolutely no space fitting in the palm of your hand. Check them out and ready about them at headphone.com
Probably an Ipod/Airport express or IHP-140 thru optical out with one of those Grace 901 headphone amp/dac combos and a pair of Sennheiser HD600s.
Been on the road for 6 years as a medical contractor living in different parts of the country and gone through several variations of portable systems (L-40, Classik). Settled on an Onkyo one piece Executive system for $250, C.Crane Reflect antenna, NHT SuperZeros (modified) with Chord speaker cable. For flying it's the iRiver IMP 400 with Beyer ST 250 or Koss Porta-Pros. No headphone amplifier yet. Hope this helps.