Power Cables

I am currently upgrading my system.  I had a pair of XLO Ultra speaker cables sitting around and was very impressed with the improvement over the original Monster cable.  Having come back from Axpona, I am wondering what fellow Audiogon members would recommend for a power cable with tight bass, superb mids and extended highs that would help to produce a very full, wide and deep soundstage.  I am looking to replace the cable on my Adcom GFA-5802.  I do agree with philosophy of starting with the power.  I have demoed one other power cable and the difference is immense.  Thanks in advance for the advice.
You didn't mention any budget constraints, so I will go ahead and recommend that you try a High Fidelity Professional Series power cord. ;^)
Good point.  I will be auditioning cables up to the Nordost Heimdall 2, so maybe $700-$800 (ish) I would prefer to stay within the $400-$500 range unless nothing seriously impresses me.
What do you mean by a very full, wide and deep soundstage? I have heard of a wide and deep soundstage. Are you talking about a full sound (Rich, vibrant, musical, etc.)?

If so, your list confuses me. As normally extended highs and tight bass go together with more transparent cords like Nordost, while full sound and superb mids go together with warmer sounding cords like Elrod EPS-2/3 Signatures. I don't know of a cord that does it all, especially at that price range.

Usually folks are either looking for more transparency (speed, resolution) OR more musicality (warmth, fullness). Going in one direction usually takes you further away from the other direction. Just as one cannot go east and west at the same time. Most folks like to balance the sound to suit their tastes, but to do that, you need to know what direction you want to head in from the start.

If you don't know, no harm, you will just need to experiment for yourself and see which direction works best for you. The Nordost will provide excellent speed and resolution, but can sound thin and sterile in some systems. Cords like the Elrod, Acoustic Zen Gargantua II , etc., can sound very rich and musical, but can also sound slow and lifeless in some systems.

In the end, you pays yer money, you makes yer choices.