Power Cables

I am currently upgrading my system.  I had a pair of XLO Ultra speaker cables sitting around and was very impressed with the improvement over the original Monster cable.  Having come back from Axpona, I am wondering what fellow Audiogon members would recommend for a power cable with tight bass, superb mids and extended highs that would help to produce a very full, wide and deep soundstage.  I am looking to replace the cable on my Adcom GFA-5802.  I do agree with philosophy of starting with the power.  I have demoed one other power cable and the difference is immense.  Thanks in advance for the advice.
True.  I do have a Furman power conditioner and I have upgraded my pre-amp to a McIntosh C2500.  The next component upgrade will probably be the MC452, unless I go with used 501s or 601s. 

Thank you for the input.  I was referring to a full and rich sound and what you said does make sense jmcgrogan2.  That balance will be interesting to find.

what an excellent opportunity to discover some nice cables/cords in your system. Since you like McIntosh gear, talk w/ other owners to get their point of view on cabling. This is the 1st place to start. There are Mac owners here and over on Audio Asylum.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I would spend the money to replace the Adcom before spending crazy money on a Power Cord.

The PK-10 powercabels are a lot better than the powercables in the lower price ranges of Nordost. I know it, I sold them for over 9 years of time.

The limitation of the Nordost is that they are incomplete. Even the Nordost Valhalla powercables ( I owned them and sold many of them) are incomplete.

So what is incomplete? Sound is created by about 8-9 different parts you judge sound for. Stage depth has always been a week point of Nordost and still is.

The other limitation is individual focus of instruments and voices. In real voices and instruments are small and direct. Nordost is not good in creating a very small and direct focus of instruments and voices like other cables can. PK-10 is superior in this part compared to any Nordost powercable.

Each brand owns his own d.n.a. in sound and how the stage is being build. I know exactely the properties of Nordost. I have done hundreds of tests with them in the past.

That is why you cannot use a brand blind in a set. Because you need to be ware of the properties.

In the 9 years I sold Nordost I often combined it with Kimber interconnects to make the overall sound complete.

Nordost power, interconnect and loudspeaker cables are togheter incomplete.

When you change the Nordost interconnect by a Kimber interconnect you add different properties.

What did it change compared to a whole set of Nordost?

It made te stage deeper and wider, the individual focus became a lot shaper, intimate and palpable. And the mid freq became richer and more musical involving.

That is why you need to understand the properties before you can buy any brand. This will never give good results.