Power conditioner or not?

I am confused! Per Naim's recommendations, no power conditioner needed. I have a Naim system, what do you think?
I use to agree with Pops and all the naysayers...heck, I was one of the biggest (I was even quoted in stereophile a few years back as being in opposition to any and all power line conditioning). What I am talking about is the new MIT Z stabilizer MKIII HG and only this unit!! The MIT is utterly transparent yet bestowes a new sense of dimensionality, purity, grainlessness and power upon your system. Instrumental defintion, palpability and presence are enhanced at least by a magnitude or more! The good news is that one can be had from Joe Abrams at Portal Audio for $350...a complete no brainer.
Every system is different. Therefore power conditioning requirements, by defintion, are unique to each system.

No one product can possibly be ideal for everybody despite some amateur thoughts here on the subject.

There's a reason for the dozens of makes and models currently available.
Just hooked up my MIT Z Cord III to feed my Z stabilizer MKIII HG which purifies my 400xi via a Transparent MM reference PC...together with some carefully placed Mapleshade vibration control products, I have obtained the largest, most open and dynamic soundstage I have ever heard in my life. The purity and expression is stunning...I am 4th row center at the BSO! I took it upon myself to hot rod my simple stop gap system more as a challenge than anything else...an excersize in how far I could take an integrated/source system. I never thought the synergy would be so addictive that my desire for more equipment would subside. The problem lies in the fact that in order to get these results I am using about $20K worth of cabling:)
